Gregorian Calendar Easter , Gregorian Calendar Easter – The introduction of the Gregorian calendar did not mean that Christians as a whole celebrated Easter on the same day, as the Orthodox Churches remained faithful to the Julian calendar. For non . meaning that holidays like Easter would fall in spring, and the equinoxes and solstices were once again landing at the right time on the calendar. Removing ten days from October 1582, the Gregorian . Gregorian Calendar Easter Source : How Is Easter Determined? Source : Date of Easter Wikipedia Source : The Gregorian Calendar Encyclopedia Virginia Source : Date of Easter Wikipedia Source : Easter And The Moon. How Does The Moon Determine Easter? Orbital Source : Date of Easter Wikipedia Source : GM Arts Preview Source : Date of Easter Wikipedia Source : ROYAL FAMILY OF SERBIA EASTER CONGRATULATIONS (GREGORIAN CALENDAR Source : Gregorian Calendar Easter Date of Easter Wikipedia: The date of Easter here is calculated using a modified Julian calendar versus the Gregorian calendar observed by the Christians and countries in the west. Good Friday is considered to be a sacred day . Easter, based on the Gregorian calendar is Sunday, March 31. However, if you are part of the Eastern Orthodox church, then you’re following the Julian calendar and Easter is Sunday, May 5. . Calendar